Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Does Search Engine Optimisation Work

It's important if you have an online business that you understand what and how search engine optimisation (SEO) works for your benefit. Web site search engine optimization is not as difficult as you think.

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), you'll need to have a basic understanding of how search engines work. A search engine is a tool consumers and business owners use to find information or items on the Internet.

Most people at one time or another have used search engines, you'll probably recognize the names such as Yahoo search, Google, and one of the newest Bing.

Search engines do their job by using certain words called key words or words that are relevant to the terms typed into the search engine search bar. It's how consumers find what they're looking for. Usually, the key words will have something to do, or be relevant to what consumers type, or how close the website or business is to what is typed in.

The search engine uses the terms in the search bar, and then unbelievably fast, through a mathematical formula offer the consumer relevant websites according to which matches best. These sites are then listed in relevant order on the results page, hopefully the sites on the first page or so match. This is page ranking and is an important aspect to Search engine optimisation (SEO) and is what seo is actually for, to increase the page ranking of a business.

A business owner or website owner is going to use a variety of tools in order to seo their website. This will include item descriptions, site maps, blogs, and even articles that inform, entertains, or offer how to information concerning their website. They will also use a variety of other tools as well, such as article submissions on other sites, links to other relevant sites, and even advertising on their site. It's all about relevancy, and using all the tools available to wind up on the first couple of pages on the search engine results.

To Your Success
Kamal Todary


1 comment:

  1. Hello,
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