Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How To Write Text Advertisment That Make People Click On It

My students ask me always about how to write text advertisement that people will click , well there is a simple formula that i use always in writing text ads or any other type of ads , today i will share with you this formula .

Writing text ads is an art and every marketer has different ways and styles of writing , i follow the simple formula called A-E-A

A- Attention
E- Expectation
A- Action

Most Text ads contains headline and title and text body
The objective of the headline is to grab Attention.
The objective of the text body is to build Expectation and call to Action.

For example, I may write an ad like this:

I Made $6K in my First Month
Learn Exactly How I Did It.
Free Download.

Can you see how i use the simple formula in the above example A-E-A ?

How To Write Attention Grabbing Headline Or Title?

There are many ways to write a headline or title that grabs attention.

For example, you can ask a question that invokes curiosity. You can also tell a story like I did in the example above.

One simple way is to use some power words that can capture people’s attention.

Some of these power words include: How To, Secrets, Free, Download, Exposed, Save, Amazing, Time-Sensitive, Proven, Step-By-Step, Shocking Truth, Cheap, Urgent.

Why Build Expectation?

Once you grab the prospects’ attention, you need to tell your prospects what they can expect from you after clicking your ad.

This is the hardest part and if it’s done right, 90% of the battle is won.

To build an expectation is to create a desire. As you know, once a person has a strong desire for something, he can do anything to satisfy that desire.

In this case, once you successfully build an expectation, your prospects will be motivated to click on your text ad to get what they’re expecting.

Again, there are some power words you can use to build expectation. These words include: Learn, Discover, Find Out, Increase, Reduce, Eliminate, Save, Loss, Gain, Heal, Change, Transform.

Call To Action - The Final Push

Many marketers put too much emphasis in the call to action. My view is, the most important element is Expectation building. Once the expectation is built, call to action is simply a final push.

Call to action is for the subconscious. What I mean is subconsciously, our hand react to some words.

For example: Click Here, Download Here, Instant Access, Start Here, Get It Now, Buy Now, Watch It Here, and … (i.e. ending your ad with …)

Anyone Can Write A Text Ad Like A Guru

No one is born an ad writing guru. Every ad writing guru I know has a habit of keeping a library of ads that they think is good.

Whenever you come across a good ad, keep it and refer to your collection whenever you need to write an ad. It’s just a matter of time before you become another expert in writing text ad.

To Your Success

Kamal Todary


Monday, November 9, 2009

Buy Traffic Packages Using Full Traffic

I have seen this website and it has excellent packages for targeted traffic and they also do SEO services for any website and their price is very reasonable here is the site link : .

To Your Success
Kamal Todary

Friday, October 30, 2009

Get $100 Free Advertising Credits With LookSmart

Another offer i have found is $100 Free advertising from LookSmart, You need to register and give your billing info , Before you give it a try, don’t forget to enter the promo code LSCHOICE-TL at checkout.
Just Click Here to begin , I haven't tried it yet so waiting your feedback and comments .

To Your Success
Kamal Todary

Sunday, October 25, 2009

18 Twitter Badges And Graphics And Logos To Use - Part 3

Here is another collection of twitter Badges and logos and graphics to use in your website or your blog , Hope you enjoy it

To Your Success
Kamal Todary

Monday, October 19, 2009

Get Free 75$ Advertisment Credit With Yahoo Search

I have found this great oppurtunity from visa business network as you will need to signup with them and claim your 75$ free advertisement credit with yahoo search you can go the above link and click get started or click here directly CLICK HERE

Your feedback is recommended when you use this great offer

To Your Success

Kamal Todary

Monday, October 12, 2009

14 Surfing Tips For Manual Traffic Exchange

Manual Traffic exchange is a great way to get traffic to your business , 80% of my income is from manual traffic exchange so it will be very easy and much more effective if you use this 14 surfing tips .

1- use splash pages instead of using a full screen website page as you have only 10 - 30 seconds to grab surfer attention .

2- limit graphics and heavy contents so page loads faster .

3- Make it possible for the surfer to open up a new page if they want more details and let them clearly know that will happen.

4-Regularly check that the URL you submitted to traffic exchange works fine so you don't waste credits .

Allocate the credits at the end of each surfing session if that is not done automatically. There is usually no reason to bank up credits. Get hits to your site as soon as possible since that is why you are using a manual traffic exchange.

Submit as many websites as the TE allows even if you submit the same site multiple times. By having the maximum amount of websites submitted your site(s) will rotate faster into the system for other surfers to view.

7- Never trade credits for banner impression or Text advertising hits , nothing is as effective as traffic exchange hits .

8- Always be alerted for bonuses and rewards that traffic exchange gives while you surf .

Stay alert for questions or verification that you are viewing the page. Some sites will prevent you from even clicking to the next site until you verify. Others will let you keep clicking but you won’t be earning any credits.

To accumulate credits faster don’t get sidetracked by the sites you are viewing. If a site grabs your interest just bookmark it or jot down the web address so you can pull it up later.

11- Open traffic exchange in multiple tabs using firefox or any other browser that allows multiple tabs,
There is a great little add-on that will help you surf about 40% faster called Quick Tab Change.

The best sites to advertise on manual traffic exchanges are other TE’s, revenue share programs, and other forms of internet advertising.

High speed internet is a huge advantage for fast efficient surfing especially if you plan to surf the manual traffic exchanges every day.

Consider upgrading, especially if you are having good response to your promotions. Many manual traffic exchanges will every month give upgraded members free credits, a better credit ratio while surfing, additional credits based on your referral’s surfing, and referral commissions.

These tips will make more sense once you start, if you have never used manual traffic exchanges. Each manual traffic exchange will have variations in how their own particular system works. It will not be hard to make some adjustments to these tips as you start using specific programs.

To your Success
Kamal Todary


20 Twitter Badges And Graphics And Logos To Use - Part 2

Here is more Twitter Badges and Graphics and Logos to use them on your website or your blog , there is more coming soon , enjoy it

To Your Success
Kamal Todary

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

20 Twitter Badges And Graphics And Logos To Use - Part 1

I have Collected Some Twitter Badges and Graphics and Logos to use them on your website or your blog, hope you enjoy them and i will post more later in the future

To Your Success

Kamal Todary