Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blogging For Newbies: Just What Is A Blog And Why Start A Blog?

These days blogs have evolved to have many different uses. For the most part it could be marketing or it could just be distribution of content. Whether or not it's called a blog is another discussion. For example one could argue that using twitter is a form of blogging. Or updating facebook status is a form of blogging. This article, however, will go back to the roots of blogging and take a look at starting a blog of this manner: an online journal.

A blog traditionally has been an online journal where you can express just about any thoughts or ideas you have and share them with the internet population. Blogs have different styles, formats, purposes, and settings which all are part of an individual expression. As blogging software has evolved more features are added everyday including plug-ins to add video galleries, photo galleries, and more.

So what makes up a blog? A blog contains many entries called blog posts. A blog post generally has these parts to it:

title: which allows you to label your post

body: this is the content of your post

trackback: other sites can be linked back to your blog

permanent link: every article that you write has a URL

comments: this section is for readers to post their comments about your blog entry

Blogging is especially easy today to jump right in and blog right away through the evolution of blogging software. Wordpress and Blogger are the two most popular blogging platforms. Both are web based so you can blog from anywhere. Both also have the ability to change the look and feel and design of your blog at the push of a button. For example when the holidays come you can find a holiday design to put on your blog at the push of a button and then change it back later.

Though I have been focusing on blogging as a way of journaling, just remember also that blogging is at its core a way to distribute information effectively. So there can be many ways you can use blogging. I personally have a personal blog as well as many business blogs. Advertising, marketing, distributing photos and videos, and distributing paid content are all ways you can start a blog for. So just keep an open mind as you start a blog, becuase you will probably find you will see many uses for blogging and will end up starting quite a few yourself!

To Your Success
Kamal Todary


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