Thursday, December 23, 2010

3 Basic SEO Tips

With regards to SEO, there is much to be gained by seeking information online. However, it's sometimes hard for people new to the game to get what SEO is all about without trying and failing first. If you want to get started with SEO, though, it's important for you to keep at it and to make sure you're using the basics the right way.You can learn so much by going online, but if you don't use everything the right way, it won't do you a bit of good. You are about to learn about a few SEO techniques that beginners will find handy.

You should ensure, first of all, that your anchor text links are all being utilized in the correct way. If you've never heard of anchor text, it's the word that goes in the link. You must have anchor text in your links that come in as well as the links that go out. This is essential because readers will understand what the link is for and search engines will also be able to tell where the link goes to and what the page's content refers to.

The first step you should take is to work on finding good quality, unique content that is pertinent to your site's theme. The more fresh content you add, the more valuable you'll become in the eyes of the search engines. Search engines tend to rank sites higher when they display relevant, keyword-rich information. You could also receive an added benefit of becoming an authority within your chosen niche this way. Quality, original content could be the key to unlocking those higher rankings you're aiming at with the search engines. Your links that are inbound must come from a relevant place. If Google and the rest of the search engines find that your incoming links are coming from sites that aren't great, they won't know what to do with your site.This will be a bad mark on your part and the more links you have that aren't good, the worse it will get. You should ensure that all of your links come from sites that have a reputation. So, to put it another way, your links should all come from websites that have a high page rank. One link from a site with a high page ranking is far better than a hundred links from a bad site. You may discover that you want to fall prey to this but you need to learn the proper way to do things

Another helpful tip is to create backlinks that point to inner pages of your site instead of just the homepage. Backlinks that point to your homepage are good, but any links you can get that link to individual pages will give you an overall boost. And of course, make sure these backlinks have your anchor text. The reason you should go beyond your homepage is because the other pages of your site may have really good content that is worth linking to. When you create backlinks that point to individual pages, the search engines begin to recognize your site as being of high value. You're not limited to link to your homepage and all the links you gather this way, ultimately benefit your site on the whole.

Duplicate content in the form of file or folder names or archives can be troublesome if the search engines don't know which pages they should crawl, so if your site has these use a robots.txt file. It's not good for duplicate content to show up in search engine results, and using this file will make sure that any such pages are ignored. It's also important to use a sitemap, which informs the search engines exactly what you want them to see. This is used to make your whole site more visible to the search engine spiders.

All in all, there's a lot to learn as far as search engine optimization is concerned. As soon as you learn something, you realize there's still more to learn. Don't try to rush, though, as the best approach is to learn one skill at a time. You can eventually become an expert if you focus on expanding your knowledge day by day. To become really knowledgeable about SEO will take time, as there is so much to learn. The real key to succeeding, however, is to first get comfortable with the basic principles.

In conclusion, in order to really grasp the concept of good SEO practices, spend some time polishing up on the basics. It's important to build a solid foundation and to try out new techniques to really get the results you want. You may find there are times when it gets a little confusing, but this is an opportunity to expand your knowledge even further. Like with any learning experience, even with SEO you will have your hurdles, so focus on the positives and ignore the negatives.

To Your Success
Kamal Todary


1 comment:

  1. It's really good post by you. But this is more helpful for beginners. I'm just looking for any more improved and modern SEO Techniques. If you know any such, you can post it in your blog.
    Thanks and continue posting.
