Monday, August 10, 2009

How To Write An Email Subject Line That Will Get Opened

You are ready for your big email ad campaign. You sweated over key words, grappled for just the right tone of your sentence structure, and you've second guessed yourself time and again on whether it will enthral the reader enough to click the link back to your website. You’re finally ready to go, and it’s time to choose the subject line.

In fact, that seven-average long string of words is crucial and even more important than the contents of your email. Because, if your prospect doesn't open up that email, they won't see that presentation you have worked so hard to craft. It will either end up in a junk or spam folder box never even seen, or it will be deleted along with the other unnoticeable emails by your prospects index finger posed on the delete key ready to shoot down what it considers junk mail.

There are two schools of thought on what makes an email subject line worthy of opening. They are the keep it simple stupid (kiss) method, or the (with it) method, what in the heavens is this approach.

The with it method relies on the shock value moment that the reader will feel when they read your subject line. Something that is intriguing, surprising, or an unusual attention getter. A subject line that will stop them in their tracks to wonder what is this? This is the time for the witty or outrageous remark, or the sensationalistic line.

The kiss method keeps things casual and mundane yet familiar enough to grab the reader’s attention. Most people will open a subject line new products, or this week’s newsletter. It’s familiarity out of habit or curiosity that will get the reader to open the message.

It is recommended that when starting out a new campaign that both methods should be tried to gauge your target markets response. Both methods do work, but your specific niche may fall inline more with one method than the other. Keep track of the results for your next ad blitz.

Think about the emails you open and what category they fall under. With the kiss and with it methods in mind, you can create email subject lines that will get opened

To Your Success
Kamal Todary

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